地 址:寶安區鳳凰富源街213號旭達工業大廈B棟1樓
Q Q:540775041
Electroplating has appeared in our life, following by fairfine Teng professional electroplating factory to introduce the purpose of electroplating, mainly from five aspects, the purpose of professional electroplating electroplating: in addition to the requirements of the appearance, according to a variety of professional electroplating demand and have different purposes.
1, copper plating: bottoming use, improve the adhesion ability of plating layer, and corrosion resistance.
2, palladium nickel: improve the conductive contact resistance, improve signal transmission, wear resistance than gold.
3, gold plating: improve the conductive contact resistance, improve signal transmission.
4, tin lead: to improve welding capacity, quickly replaced by other replacement (because most of the lead is changed to bright tin and fog tin).
5, nickel plating: bottoming or appearance, to improve corrosion resistance and abrasion resistance (in which chemical nickel for the modern process, the ability to wear more than chromium plating).